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Life as a puppy at Hearthaven

The puppies will offcourse stay in the house like all my dogs. The first 3 weeks both puppies and mother need peace and quiet surroundings, so there will be no visitors allowed and they will stay in the bedroom.


Then after 3 weeks of age all hell breaks loose ;-) they will have eyes and started to move around so now is the time to let them explore new things to improve their courage and mobility for their future lifes. They will be presented to different toys, surfaces and noices so they have seen and heard as many different things as possible.


Visitors will also be very welcome especially those with puppy loving kids to try and make a clear connection between kids and having fun so the puppies will always have positive experinces with kids to remember from their upbringing.

The last couple of weeks we will take them on excursions. Hopefully the weather allows a visit at the beach, the forrest, a couple of trips to a town to experience all the different things there. Offcourse they will have a trip to the vet, to the opthalmogist and the chiropractor for their health examn, so they are thoroughly checked before they leave for their new families at the age of 8-9 weeks.

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